Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's (almost) Christmas Time/Happy Advent!

Christmas is coming. Can you feel it? You can sure see it, but you could see it in early November. But now, now Advent has officially begun, December starts tomorrow and soon, all too soon we will be celebrating the birth of Christ :) I'm excited.

Last night I did a bit of decorating. Finally finished the above wreath (I got most of the ornaments in the post Christmas sales and the wreath base was from the lovely Dollar Tree). I've always loved ornament wreaths, but wanted to make sure to make one that was tasteful, not gaudy like many that I'd seen. I used a tutorial I'd found online to get me started (gotta love pinterest!) and now I have a lovely wreath :)

I've been all about "This Warm December" Christmas CD. I like the different twist on some of the old Christmas favorites and it's just a good mellow soundtrack to get you in the Christmas mood. Here's a little Rudolph love for all of you (from the CD):

I'm starting to put together a list of what I'm baking this year. I just love Christmas baking. There are just so many fabulous recipes and great twists on old recipes, it's just a lovely time to bake. Once I finalize things I'll share some of my favorite finds as well as my to bake list :) Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Snow, Some Random Thoughts and a Very Thankful Thursday

So it's apparently winter here. After some gorgeous days, then some rain, we now have a blanket of snow and they're talking 50 degree weather this weekend! Seriously! What is a girl supposed to wear in weather like this?

Anyways, I've been thinking about the past year, how things have changed, what I've learned, where I see myself in the future, you know, that kind of pondering. So I thought I'd share a list today of things worth waiting for because no one should ever settle, whether it be in a relationship, in your job, in who you are. You're worth more than you could ever imagine, sometimes we need to remind ourselves of that.

Things Worth Waiting For
  1. A significant other that makes you feel beautiful, even when you don't feel it.
  2. A job you enjoy going to. Whether that be because of the people or because of the work you're doing.
  3. A home. It's not the building that makes this, although a roof over your head is a necessity, it's a place that feels safe, a place full of love, a place of refuge, a place to call your own.
  4. The seasons to change. God has blessed us with four beautiful, very different, seasons and each one is worth enjoying. Each one is beautiful.
  5. Children. Children are a blessing, no matter how God gives them to us, but they are also something that I wish to have in a family setting, with a supportive husband. Children should never be thought of as a burden, a bargaining chip or a mistake.
Alright, so some of those were kind of deep, some not so much, but all of them are important, at least to me. On a lighter note, I just watched Justin Bieber's "Never Say Never" movie and I have to admit that I'm pretty impressed by the kid, and by his family deep faith that is remarkably visible in the movie. It makes you want to root for him, and maybe turn on one of his songs to dance to (please take a moment to break from your obligations and dance a little this snowy Thursday).

And since it is Thursday, here's my Thankful Thursday list for the day.

At this moment I am thankful for...
(1) A vehicle that can handle the rain/snow/ice. It's nice having a reliable vehicle and that that vehicle happens to be an suv sure doesn't hurt matters, especially with the winters we have up here.
(2) Options. Options as in I'm thankful I have multiple places I can go or people I can hangout with. In other words, I'm thankful that if I don't want to be home by myself I don't have to be :)
(3) Holidays. I've been making Thanksgiving and Christmas plans lately and am so excited to be able to take some time off and spend it with family.
(4) Girl Sc.out Cookies :) Up hear they were delivered this week and yes I have already had a few. I really think they're so great only because you get them once a year. Its genius actually. And better for my waistline too ;)
(5) Craft Stores. It's true, I love places like JoAnn's, Michaels and Hobby Lobby. Just walking in makes me smile and if I have a bit of spending money, well that's even better :)
(6) Handwritten Letters. I grew up writing letters to my grandparents every week and my mom still writes each of us kids each week. It's something I try to do and something that is always appreciated. Also, I just watched a cheesy Halmarkesque movie called "The Christmas Card" which I of course loved and made me want to go out and write a letter or message in a card.
(7) Snow. It's true, I am thankful for snow. I'm excited about all the fun that snow brings, not the bad roads and cold temps, but the other stuff, the skiing and sledding, snowballs and ice skating. Nights curled up by the fire watching the peacefulness of a gentle snow.
Happy Thursday everyone! Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Super Mom, a Wedding and a Bit of Sewing

I love baby showers. One of my dear friends is having a baby...this month! Wow! And on Sunday one of my best friends threw her a pretty awesome Super Mom baby shower.

It's always fun to get together with friends, especially to celebrate such a wonderful event like a new baby. It's even more fun when you walk into a room that looks like this...

Yeah, I've got some pretty darn amazing friends. She's starting her own event planning company, I'll give you more info. as it progresses.

Super Cute! There was of course much more to oooo and awww about in the room but a couple of shots gives you an idea of the fun.

I made the mom-to-be a little baby quilt. A simple little, oh-so-soft, blue and white blanket for her little man.

I got the idea from this cute little blog. There are so many options for this simple design and if you add applique it would be even cuter.

My boyfriend's cousin got married in a beautiful ceremony on Saturday. Weddings are always fun. It's great to see family all together and excited and sharing in the joy of the new couple. And the couple, of course was supercute and oh so in love (as it should be). Here's me and my boy all dressed up.

It's not often that we are both dressed up at the same time, so a picture was of course needed. I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween, and Happy All Saints Day!